Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Unit MLRs

E1 Historical Knowledge, Concepts, Themes, and Patterns

Students understand major eras, major enduring themes, and historic influences in United States and world history, including the roots of democratic philosophy, ideals, and institutions in the world.

E2 Individual, Cultural, International, and Global Connections in History

Students understand historical aspects of unity and diversity in the United States and the world, including Native American communities.
Identify and critique issues characterized by unity and diversity in the history of the United States and other nations, and describe their effects.
Identify and analyze major turning points and events in the history of Native Americans and various historical and recent immigrant groups in the United States, and other cultures in the world.

A2 Literary Texts

Students read text, within a grade appropriate span of text complexity, and present analyses of fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry, using excerpts from the text to defend their assertions.


a. Analyze the characters’ external and internal conflicts.
d. Evaluate the theme or themes, whether explicitly stated or implied, in a literary text.
e. Identify, compare, and analyze recurring themes across works.

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